Dirt and all of that Good Stuff

Dirt and all of that Good Stuff

 Few of us could argue about how good it feels after a day outside gardening, hiking or simply enjoying the fresh air. 
Before I became a mother, I dreamed that when I had children, they would spend summers outside covered in dirt, barefoot and gleeful.
Fast forward a few years and that is precisely how we spend our days. While I was simply following where the joy led, did you know that all of these things can offer some health benefits? You might as well have spent a day at a wellness spa!
Here are a few specific things you can do (for free) to harness the power of nature, even for only a few minutes a day. Shoes off on your lunch break? Why not?
The earth emits its own frequency, just as many other things in our life. With the overuse of gadgets (cell phones, tablets, smart watches etc) the frequency in our body can be thrown off. By simply standing barefoot against dirt or grass on the ground, the frequency of the earth can then freely run through you and rebalance you. This is said to help aid in reducing inflammation, stress, improving blood flow and even help you get a better sleep. It is suggested that you do a minimum of 30 minutes daily. If that is not possible, any amount of time is better than nothing at all. Sometimes we just need a reset.
 I often heard not to worry if one's toddler eats a bit of (chemical free) dirt here and there. What I only learned in recent years is that dirt naturally carries probiotics good for strengthening the gut! While I will not suggest to intentionally eat dirt every day (each to their own) I will say that that dirt is nothing to be disgusted by. 
The body absorbs vitamin D from the sun. While too much sun all of a sudden when your body isn't used to a gradual exposure can lead to burns, the sun can offer us benefits. I've been told that there are certain times of day that are better at offering vitamin D than others, and it can vary from day to day. A friend of mine has an app that tracks this to know exactly when to be out, and how long (if you're counting). This is a cost free way to get a bit of a very important vitamin.
I hope some of these simple tips help you get the most out of the outdoors, even if it's simply at a picnic table for your lunch break. The earth nurtures us in so many ways.
Note: If you are experiencing health issues please talk to your doctor, naturopath or other medical professional. While I found these tips to be beneficial in supporting a healthy lifestyle, I have not shared them with the intention of them being medical advice.

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